Resource Description DataCamp Website with many interactive courses with videos and exercises DataCamp Community A section of DataCamp that is free and community driven Rstudio Webinars A repository of Rstudio hosted webinars covering many data science and programming topics Rstudio Education Rstudio's website for learning and teaching R and data science R for Data Science A great online book for learning how to use R for data analysis and programming tidyverse The official tidyverse website -
Resource Description R Packages A nice guide to building packages in R Advanced R A for learning advanced programming in R purrr Enhancing functional programming (e.g. write better for loops) -
Resource Description ggplot2 Awesome visualizations DiagrammeR A nice R package for diagrams cowplot ggplot2 extenstion package that is most helpful for combining many different plots into a single figure for publicaiton plotly Interactive visualizaitons in R ggplotly Plotly for ggplot2 ggplot2 extensions A sortable/searchable list of many ggplot2 extension packages -
Resource Description dplyr Tools for data manipulation tidyr Tools to make your data tidy e.g. columns are variables, rows are observations, cells are values stringr Helpful package for working with strings forcats Helpful package for working with factors lubridate Helpful package for working with dates -
Resource Description readr Reading rectangular data into R haven Read data from SPSS, SAS, or Stata into R readxl Reading microsoft excel data into R -
Resource Description R Markdown Official R Markdown website R Markdown: The Definitive Guide Online book detailing everything you can do with R Markdown knitr The package that powers reproducible reporting with R bookdown Reproducible books blogdown Reproducible static websites/blogs pkgdown Reproducible websites designed for R packages distill Reproducible reports, websites, or blogs with distill style for technical and scientific writing officeverse Reproducible Microsoft Office documents using a different approach to knitr/R Markdown rticles Reproducible scientific manuscripts based on various publishing styles (e.g., Elsivier, Sage, Springer, PLOS, etc) htmlwidgets Interactive graphics for R markdown documents -
Resource Description R Pubs A free place to publish documents produced in R markdown and share them with a link shinyapps.io A free place to publish shiny web appications and share with a link netlify A platform that makes it very easy to publish static websites. Free and paid options. -
Resource Description Shiny The official Shiny website shinydashboard Shiny dashboards with bootstrap styles shinyjs A useful package for extending the shiny framework shiny.semantic Shiny with fomantic UI components semantic.dashboard Shiny dashboards with fomantic UI awesome-shiny--extentions A very comprehensive list of packages/utiliites for customizing/extending Shiny Mastering Shiny A guide to creating interactive Shiny applications -
Resource Description DT Put DataTables into R Markdown documents or Shiny apps gt Really nice way to create pretty complex publication-ready tables. Works well with the tidyverse kableExtra Extends knitr's basic kable() functions to create more complicated tables in HTML and Latex flextable Makes reproducible tables for Microsoft Office documents and other kinds of outputs -
Resource Description broom Convert summaries of statistical models into nice, simple tables brooo.mixed Does the same thing as broom but can handle mixed models Tidymodels A collection of useful packages for developing modeling pipelines and doing many common tasks for modeling, machine learning, and AI